Tino Sana wooden bicycle

This unique wooden bicycle, created by Tino Sana, is on display in one of the office buildings in Tel Aviv. More about this work of art here.

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9 Responses to Tino Sana wooden bicycle

  1. amsterdamize says:

    wow, that is beautiful, great craft…art. On display, but looking at the Brooks saddle, Tino does ride it, I take. Do you know what kind of wood it is made of? Seems like polished teak to me.

  2. yanek says:

    It is the result of careful research, making use of high frequency pressed layers of beech and ash wood together with hard wood inlays, thus guaranteeing strength and durability. The mechanical parts are all Made in Italy.

    Did you notice the spare pedal underneath the BROOKS saddle?

  3. steve says:

    I have to say its a beautiful bike but of all the spares I could think to carry under my saddle, a peddle isn’t one of them 😛

  4. mdrobel says:

    It’s not a spare pedal. You can see in the first photo that the right pedal was removed to allow for extra stability while the bike is on display.

  5. mullett says:

    looks like the pedals are removed so no one can ride it, but definitely looked like it had been in the past..What a beauty

  6. mirco says:

    rear quick release is improperly fastened.

  7. Pingback: Holz-Fahrrad von Tino Sana :: Bike-Blog

  8. cool! is it ride-able?

  9. Doug says:

    Can anyone tell me the value of this bike? I want to buy one second hand but the owner received it as a gift and doesn’t know how much it is worth.

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